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Please Help Fund These Projects on Donors Choose!

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My Project

The materials I am requesting will help my students feel comfortable in their home away from home. A new, larger rug will be our main gathering area in the front of the classroom. Here is where we learn new skills, collaborate, play games, and have our best conversations. New stools will be used at our guided reading table! Here is where we dive into new books, learn new reading skills, and spend more one-on-one time.  These materials would definitely help our classroom thrive.

My Project

Lego has a new robotic kit for K-2 students called "Spike Essential." I hope to get this project funded so that I can use the Spike Essential kit with grades K-2 and get their creativity flowing with coding and programming, while also building with Legos.

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My Project

Since many of my students have a difficult time sitting in a chair comfortably, they could really benefit with these stools. These stools allow the students to wiggle a little while they learn, and that will help them focus on what is important- the lesson!


UPDATE: This project was successfully funded!!! Thank You!

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